Discovery of the Structure of DNA: 1951-1953. This is an in-depth look at the steps and mis-steps taken by Crick, Watson, Franklin and Wilkins during their search for the structure of DNA. Also, it shows the effect of one group that communicates and collaborates while the other group quarrels.
WW II atomic bombs: Fatman and Little Boy
The atomic bombs of WW II. This is an in-depth look at the history, the design and the development of the atomic bombs of WW II. It includes a history of the development of fission, from Lise Meitner and her nephew sitting on a log in the snow and cold of Sweden, working out how fission can work. It shows how Plutonium was made, first in below microscopic quantities and and how and where it was made. It shows the separation of U235 from U238 by electromagnetic separation and gaseous diffusion. There is some physics, but it is at a very low level.